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Introduction to humidity indicator cards

Publish Time: 2023-04-04     Origin: Site

Introduction to humidity indicator cards

Most high-end electronic and instrument equipment such as electronic components and precision optical components are susceptible to moisture, resulting in product corrosion, reduced sensitivity, and even irreversible damage. To prevent products from being eroded and damaged by moisture, most products use moisture-proof packaging combinations to protect the product during the packaging stage of final and semi-finished products. Humidity display cards are convenient and economical materials that can detect whether the humidity is within the controlled range. When the sealed bag is opened, the color display on the humidity card reads data that can be used as a basis for monitoring whether the humidity in the sealed package is within the specified humidity range, At the same time, it can also indirectly reflect whether the desiccant in the sealed packaging has a moisture absorption effect.

Here is the content list:

●The classification of humidity indicator cards

●Advantages of humidity indicator cards

The classification of humidity indicator cards

Cobalt humidity card intuitively judges the humidity status from color changes. The principle is based on the principle that the color of biomass produced after absorbing water from cobalt chloride changes color. When drying, the humidity card is blue. If the color in the circle changes from blue to pink, it indicates that the humidity in the package reaches or exceeds the relative humidity value corresponding to the circle.

The humidity card is reversible. If the humidity exceeds the corresponding humidity value, the color changes from blue to red. If the humidity is lower than the corresponding humidity value, the humidity card that has turned pink can change back to blue.

Cobalt-free humidity indicator card is a convenient and inexpensive safety method for detecting environmental humidity. Users can quickly determine the humidity and the effect of desiccant inside the product packaging through the color on the card. If the humidity in the packaging exceeds or equals this humidity value, the corresponding point on the card will change from a dry color to a moisture-absorbing color, whereby the use effect of the desiccant can be easily known.

Advantages of humidity indicator cards

The humidity display card is made of sulfur-free paper, which has no corrosion or oxidation to the packaged electronic products and does not affect the performance of the packaged products.

Easy to use. It is convenient and easy to observe. As the humidity in the closed air rises, the indicator point of the humidity display card changes from a dry color to a wet color, which can quickly determine the humidity value.

Large humidity indication range. Cobalt present: RH5% to RH100%; Cobalt free: RH5% to RH85%.

High humidity display sensitivity. High sensitivity and wide humidity indication range, at any point from 5% to 60%.

It can be reused and turned into a dry color again after drying, which is efficient and environmentally friendly.

Foshan Nicepak Packaging Materials Co., Ltd. is specialized in packaging materials for moisture-proof, mildew-proof, anti-corrosion, and fresh-keeping industries. Our company sells products including various desiccants, moisture-proof bags, humidity indicator cards, VCI products, and oxygen absorbers. Our company has long provided high-quality products and services to global top packaging material distributors such as food, electronics, clothing, and logistics. We have collaborated with several well-known universities to develop more effective moisture-proof products, and a professional team has conducted research on this. If you want to know more information about the humidity indicator card, welcome to consult us.

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